10 Foods to Promote Hair Growth

10 Foods to Promote Hair Growth

The mission of growing long & healthy hair can be a challenge. Sometimes, it’s not about which hair products you use, but the food that you eat. Just like the rest of your body, the foods that you eat can have a serious effect on your hair. That’s why today we’re going through foods that promote hair growth. 

Dermatologist Sharleen St. Surin-Lord told Byrdie that a hair thickening diet would include plant-based foods, fiber, antioxidants, and protein; These are the types of food that will give your hair the nutrients to grow strong.

Remember that while foods are nature’s gifts, changing your diet is not always an automatic fix for hair growth. Check in with a doctor or physician to see if there may be an underlying condition that’s affecting your hair growth. 

And never forget that no matter what hair growth solution you try, patience and compassion is key. Hair loss is totally normal and super common, after all. 

Here’s our picks for yummy, nutrient-rich foods that create the ultimate hair nourishing (& hair thickening) diet. 










Not only does it taste delicious, salmon offers a healthy load of omega-3 & fatty acids to give your hair the strength & protein that it needs. 


Packed with protein, eggs provide so much goodness to your hair and skin. They’re also filled with choline and vitamins A, D, and B12 which are all amazing for your hair health. They’re great foods to eat for hair growth, and some people even slather the egg directly onto their heads as a hair mask

Chickpeas, Lentils, Beans, and Peas

Calling all vegetarians, vegans and just general veggie lovers! Chickpeas, lentils, beans and peas are great sources of plant-based proteins and foods for hair growth. (Bonus points for being so cheap!) They’re rich in folic acid, which helps regrow hair & keep hair healthy. 








Plant-Based Foods: 


Green leafy veggies

Leafy greens like spinach & kale are going to best buddies for hair regrowth. They’re rich in antioxidants and high in vitamins A & C to boost the strength of your hair follicles. 


These green stalks are full of B vitamin folate — which plays a big part in breaking down proteins and building hair follicles. Saute these greens up and get to cooking! 


PSA: a cup full of grapes can give you SO many benefits. This fruit has antioxidant properties that can help reduce cellular damage, and thus reduce hair loss. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) found in grapes also stimulate hair growth. Yum! 






Fiber & Antioxidants:


Chia seeds

these babes may be tiny, but boy do they pack a punch! Chia seeds are filled with great fiber, antioxidants, and even protein. Plus, they’re a vegetarian/vegan substitute for omega-3. Toss these seeds in your smoothie, cereal, or even baked goods! 

Sweet potatoes

Did someone say vitamin A? Sweet potatoes hold a lot of beta-carotene, which becomes vitamin A in our bodies. This helps us produce sebum, which keeps hair healthy!

Nuts & seeds

These tasty treats are little jam-packed bites of nutrients. Nuts & seeds carry great fatty acids, and nutrients like vitamin E, vitamin B, zinc, & selenium — AKA lots of ingredients for healthy hair! 


Surprise, surprise. This protein has been super trendy on the internet lately — and it’s for good reason. It’s perfect for hair and skin health. Easily get your fix by integrating organic bone broth or powder forms into your diet. 








Which of these yummy hair foods are you going to add into your diet? Let us in on your hair growth diet by tagging us on Instagram, Tiktok, Pinterest, Twitter & Facebook and use the hashtag #INHBabe!

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